Mellain Centar

Projekat Mellain Centar Tuzla
Investitor Uni Bristol d.o.o. Tuzla
Projektant Sabrija Bilalić d.i.a.
Lokacija Tuzla
Površina 100.000 m2
Početak radova 2010.
Završetak radova 2014.
Vrijednost projekta 150 miliona KM

Bosnian Flag

Sadržaji koji su projektom predviđeni u budućem poslovno - stambenom kompleksu ''Mellain'' su sljedeći:

- Hotel sa 5zvjezdica, površine 18.500 m2 (bazen za goste na 21. spratu; restoran na 22. spratu)

- Olimpijski bazen (50 x 25)

- Poliklinika sa termalnom banjom (uključujuci i bazen sa termalnom vodom) i wellness centrom, površine 4.500 m2

- Stambeni prostori (290 stanova), ukupne površine 28.000 m2

- Trzni centar sa poslovnim prostorima, ukupne površine 8.200 m2

- Diskoteka površine 1000 m2

- Garazni prostor sa 3 podzemne etaze, ukupne površine 23.100 m2

Na mjestu nekadašnjeg hotela Bristol u Tuzli gradi se luksuzni stambeno – poslovni kompleks ''Mellain'' u koji će u naredne tri godine biti uloženo 150 miliona konvertibilnih maraka. Na projektu je angažovana domaća građevinska operativa, a završetkom objekta otvorit će se od 250 do 300 novih radnih mjesta. Nakon rušenja hotela Bristol, nekadašnjeg simbola grada na zrnu soli, radovi na izgradnji novog kompleksa idu punom parom.

Trenutno se radi na iskopu građevinske jame dubine 13 metara, gdje će biti izgrađena podzemna garaža na tri etaže, kapaciteta 400 parking mjesta. U sklopu kompleksa ''Mellain'', nalazit će se hotel "Bristol" sa pet zvjezdica visine 20 spratova i površine 18,500 metara kvadratnih, stambeni dio sa oko 300 stanova (28.000 metara kvadratnih), tržni centar i poslovni prostori. Na ovoj lokaciji, bit će izgrađena i poliklinika sa wellness centrom, bazenom sa slanom vodom i olimpijskim bazenom, koji će biti u komercijalnoj upotrebi. "Hotel Bristol bio je poznat po slanoj banji, zbog koje su dolazili posjetioci iz cijele Evrope. Nakon izgradnje, to će opet biti prepoznatljiv i respektabilan hotel u regionu. Također, stanovi i poslovni prostori bit će izgrađeni prema svjetskim standardima, sa materijalima vrhunskog kvaliteta.

Posjećamo, hotel Bristol bio je tradicionalno mjesto okupljanja građana Tuzle i središte javnog, kulturnog i zabavnog života. Sagrađen je 1908. godine te je u to vrijeme bio najveći i najluksuzniji hotel u ovom gradu. Vlasnik tada trospratnog hotela u Binertovoj ulici bio je Pero Stokanović, poznati ugostitelj i hotelijer. Međutim, usljed zone slijeganja terena, izazvanog dugogodišnjom eksploatacijom slane vode, hotel Bristol je srušen te je 1960. godine izgrađen novi u blizini Pivare Tuzla. Hotel "Bristol" i lječilište "Slana banja" promijenio je vlasnika krajem 2008. godine. Likvidacioni postupak okončan je prodajom Bristola za 8 miliona i 400 hiljada KM. S obzirom na dugove hotela, bio je rekordan iznos prodaje. Tokom 2010. godine počelo je rušenje starog hotela i izgradnja nove, moderne građevine sa više zdanja za različite namjere. Stambeno-poslovni kompleks Mellain trebao bi biti završen do kraja 2013. godine.

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Amenities projected in the future business-residential complex “Mellain” are:

-Five star hotel, with area of 18,500 m2 (swimming pool for quests on 21st floor; restaurant on 22nd floor)

-Olympic swimming pool (50 m x 25 m)

-Polyclinic with thermal baths (including the swimming pool with thermal water) and wellness centre with area of 4,500 m2

-Residential facility (290 apartments), total area of 28,000 m2

-Shopping centre with business facilities, total area of 8,200 m2

-Disco club with area of 1,000 m2

-Garages with three underground floors, total area of 23,100 m2

“Mellain” is the residential-business complex that is going to be built in the place of the old hotel Bristol in Tuzla, and in the next three years it will be invested 150 million BAM in it. The domestic construction companies work on this project, and after it is finished the object will be open for 250 to 300 new jobs. After the destruction of hotel Bristol, former symbol of the “salt” city, construction of new complex is rapidly growing.

The builders are currently working on the excavation of the 13 meters deep construction pit, where it will be underground garage on three floors, capacity of 400 parking places. As the part of the complex “Mellain” it will be 5-star hotel “Bristol”, with 20 floors and area of 18,500 m2. At this location will be built a polyclinic with the wellness center, swimming pool with salt water and the Olympic swimming pool, which will be in commercial use. Hotel “Bristol” was known by its salt baths that was visited by tourists from all around Europe. After it is finished the hotel will be again recognized and respectable in the region. Moreover, the apartments and business units will be built by world standards with high quality materials.

Hotel Bristol is a traditional gathering place for citizens of Tuzla and it is the center of public cultural and entertainment life. It is built in 1908, and at that time it was the biggest and the most exclusive hotel in this city. The owner of the first three-floor hotel Bristol in Binert street was Pero Stokanovic, the well known restaurateur and hotelier. However, due to ground subsidence, caused by long term exploitation of salt water, hotel Bristol was demolished, and in 1960 it was built again near the Beer factory in Tuzla. Hotel “Bristol” and wellness center “Slana banja” changed their owner at the end of 2008. Liquidation procedure was finished by selling Bristol for 8.4 million BAM. Considering the debt of the hotel at that time, it was the very high, record amount of sale. During 2010, the old hotel was demolished and the new, modern construction is started to build with few objects for various purposes. Residential-business complex Mellain should be finished by the end of 2013.

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